Meet Yeti! She’s sweet, loving & quite the talker when wanting extra attention! She’s obviously pretty, just look at her! Yeti came to live with us from Wisconsin when she was almost a year old. She has settled in great & has became a wonderful addition to our family. Yeti is probably the most photogenetic furbaby we have ever had! She loves smiling at the camera:). We’re really excited about Yeti’s future!
EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse)- Clear
CNM (centronuclear myopathy)- Clear
DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)- Clear
HNPK (Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis)- Clear
PKD (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)- Clear
PRA ( Progressive retinal atrophy)- Clear
SD (Skeletal Dysplasia 2)- Clear
OFA preliminary Hips- FAIR
OFA Preliminary Elbows- NORMAL
To follow Yeti’s OFA testing please click on link below. Preliminaries will not be on OFA website.
Yeti Pedigree20221127_15453581